WYMHM: The option to digitally rewrite textbooks

Professors will be able to reorganize or delete chapters; upload course syllabuses, notes, videos, pictures and graphs; and perhaps most notably, rewrite or delete individual paragraphs, equations or illustrations.

While many publishers have offered customized print textbooks for years — allowing instructors to reorder chapters or insert third-party content from other publications or their own writing — DynamicBooks gives instructors the power to alter individual sentences and paragraphs without consulting the original authors or publisher.

1 response
I think that being able to omit sections to text books is a good idea. Most professors are not able to cover an entire textbook in a semester anyway, so why make students haul around a 10 pound book? No point. Actually re-writing and altering text, however, I could see as an issue. I know that I hate if a person edits my paper and it ends up changing the style of mt writing. I think this could bring up serious plagiarism disputes.