WYMHM: The future (and present) of technical communication & documentation #345tw

Over time, I think job descriptions such as "technical writer" and "technical editor" will fall out of use. The field will outgrow them. Too many of us will argue that such titles fail to describe the real value of our work. Those of us who do not may increasingly need to defend their value against the mistaken belief that "anyone can write," especially as end-user interfaces become more intuitive and as software engineers and other development professionals expand their roles to include related tasks like communication.

perhaps organisations should also consider user documentation when budgeting for and developing a customer experience strategy for your organisation.

Technical documents are technical in nature. They lack the sexy, "cool" appearance of a glossy magazine or a best-selling novel. Even so, there is no reason why a technical document has to be cluttered, dense with copy, and uninteresting. By considering the appearance of your document and using visual enhancements, your work may stand out as the model of what all other documents should look like in your company or your field