WYMHM: "Network effects are the glue of network society."

In essence, the network effect describes the positive externalities (value) of a product, service, or activity as more people use it. An organization taking advantage of the principle may refer to the practice as “crowdsourcing” (e.g. Wikipedia, Dell’s Ideastorm, iPhone Apps) taking advantage of the “wisdom of the crowds”. Individuals may also aggregate and mobilize for a specific cause, be it political, civic or commercial (e.g. Moveon.org, Ukrainian orange revolution). The emergence of the latter can be of spontaneous and real-time nature.


2 responses
I'm currently reading Galloway's _Protocol_, and this quote made me think of G's assertion that networks are more than "network effects." They are protocols, software, hardware, and materials. Yes, they are network effects too, but maybe we talk too much about networks as "abstractions" and not enough about the "stuff" of networks.
good point. thanks for reminding me that i still need to read galloway's _protocol_.