What You Might Have Missed (WYMHM): An Introduction

Before I made Posterous my new home, an intermittent feature of my Blogger blog was "Delicious Every Other Day" (DEOD). Information flows are quite fast these days and this feature was an attempt to organize and summarize articles and links shared via Twitter and added to Delicious in the last 48 hours. By providing a choice quote and/or summary statement, DEOD was a way to not only revisit important ideas but also maintain an additional public record of research interests. This was quite similar to "Clipped," what old friend and colleague Tim Lepczyk offers on occasion at Digital Dunes

I thought DEOD would streamline quite well with sharing features in Posterous. Instead, I still struggle to strike a balance between sharing links via bit.ly and providing choice quotes via Posterous. The former are much more likely to get a "retweet," while the latter are more likely to get page views. There is minimal effort involved, so I'd like to keep up with both. I miss the opportunities presented by DEOD, though. I also feel like I'm doing a disservice to those friends and colleagues (if any) who followed my link-sharing after I deactivated my Facebook account. 

So, as the title of this post suggests, I want to introduce a new feature, "What You Might Have Missed" (WYMHM). At least every other evening, I'll be reposting links and/or quotes shared via Twitter over the last 48 hours. I look forward to providing the very first of these tomorrow night.