some early evaluations of Twitter #eng112

Twitter has been a great tool for receiving suggestions, getting ideas and posting links. I also like the fact that it encourages me to read and comment more about topics that I find interesting and would not have known otherwise. Twitter has helped me put down in writing what I need to say, not what I would like to say. 140 Characters catches up to you quickly when you have a lot to say.


So I have jumped right into Twitter. I have posted everyday for class and then some. But I do not think all of my classmates have the same enthusiasm as I have. There are only a handful that I see regularly. And others that use it must have missed the conversation about the hashtags. I do like the fact that Doc Shirmer is on Twitter. I know that if I see him online, I can get in touch with him almost immediately. And with Twitter's updated version, it has made it easier to follow RT's and @mentions. 
I 100% believe we should continue to use it and maybe even focus a bit more on what you can accomplish with Twitter.


Twitter would be more relevant to me if the class used it to interact with each other.  Instead when I go to see what my class is saying on Twitter, I feel like I'm reading Facebook status updates-just little, and usually dull, tidbits about their day.  When I can't think of what to Tweet I will look at what the class is saying about English 112, and see if I can find something I can respond too.  Unfortunately this usually does not happen...There are a few things I like about Twitter still.  It is a very easy way to ask the professor or our blogging group members questions.  I prefer it to e-mail actually, because one can get quick, to the point answers.  I also like how I can see questions that other people are asking, and the answers to their questions are sometimes helpful as well.  With this in mind I do not think that the Twitter assignment has to end, the class just needs to refocus.  


Perhaps I'm being too nitpicky but from what I was believed is that Twitter is a means for us to use to as a class keep in touch to help each other in our writing process, give us ideas, or maybe clarify the things not understood. So far I've seen few of that on Twitter. What I have seen for the most part is people pulling anything up to simply make their daily tweet with nothing anyone can really take away from it. If it has to stay then at least the tweet count should be lowered.


     It was not until I was forced to sign up for this class that I truly understood Twitter's potential for me personally.  Although I haven't kept up with tweeting everyday as I should have due to my inability to incorporate it into my daily routine, logging in and seeing so many other people's thoughts and wanting to respond caused me to realize that almost every tweet is a possible conversation starter, leading into discussions of topics as wide-ranging as my interests are.  I am especially enamored of the idea that anytime I find an article online that I find thought-provoking, I can just call up Twitter and pass it along to others for further comment.  I'm always finding cool stuff online that I wish I could tell someone about, and this gives me the capability to do it(without shouting across the house to my mom, like usual), even though most of what I would post would likely be off-topic for the scope of the class.


That is how i feel about the class doing twitter, its a chance for us all to tell eachother whats going on with the world, in the classroom and with eachother. That is if we choose to put that up there. With me not having my own laptop, or wireless internet, it does pose a challenge for me to meet every single deadline for twitter and for posterous, BUT when i get on twitter at the computer lab for 5 mins I can easily scroll through my page and either find something to retweet or reply on. I would definetly say that we should keep using twitter! I think that every english class should have the opportunity to use twitter. Its a great and fun experience!


Well, some may say that it is a waste of time and we should focus more on our writing styles and the content of our papers. This is fine, but I feel that Twitter is allowing me to find a way to get closer to my point than normal writing has. Since we are only allowed 140 characters per "tweet" we are made to get to what we are trying to say in fewer words. When you think about having to do this regularly when tweeting. don't you think it will eventually have an effect on your normal writing style? I feel it has has some effect on mine because I am paying more attention to not just the quality of my writing, but how long it is taking me to get my point across! Does anyone else feel this way?!?


I think we should not continue using twitter. I do not see any way this is helping me in an english or class sense. We have blogs and email for this purpose. I find this is only HURTING me because i am not into tweeting and i am always forgetting to make a post, and by the time i do it is to late. It doesnt have much meaning to me, Hence why i am always forgetting about it.
For readers interested in the broader context for these evaluations, find the Twitter assignment under "assignments."