"If a writer has any guts he should write all the time..."

"...and the lousier the world the harder a writer should work. For if he can do nothing positive, to make the world more liveable or less cruel or stupid, he can at least record truly, and that is something no one else will do, and it's a job that must be done. It is the only revenge that all the bastardized people will ever get: that somebody writes down clearly what happened to them."

- Martha Gellhorn, 1941.

2 responses
Also, if the writer has a brain, he or she should write all the time. Wow! #345tw
I like where this quote says "If a writer has any guts he should write all the time." I do not necessarily consider myself a writer, but the more you do something the better you become at it. Even if someone doesn't consider themselves to be a very good writer, the only way they will get better at writing is to write more, even if they are afraid that what they write will not be of very good quality.